BridgepointMD’s Spotlight
Formed in January 2023, our sights are set to deliver market-based solutions which expand specialist physician engagement in fee-for-performance models.
We are focused on identifying pain points and barriers affecting specialist engagement in evolving healthcare delivery and payment models. We intend to break down the road-blocks and ease recurring pain points by providing innovative support solutions to navigate the evolving healthcare delivery journey encountered by specialist physicians.

The Company
Using a technology-enabled foundation, we develop and implement infrastructure and support solutions that bridge the many gaps encountered by specialty physician practices as they enter the expedition into the ever-evolving universe of value-based care and alternate payment models.

The Problem List
Specialist physician practices are routinely - on the outside looking in - when in comes to the tools and data necessary to efficiently and effectively engage in fee-for-performance initiatives.
•Specialists have built their infrastructure around fee-for-service models
•Specialists generally lack access to transparent data and predictive analytics to succeed in fee-for performance (value-based care) models
•Specialists, and other physicians alike, need to prepare for payer-derived regulatory and quality reporting changes that will impact future practice revenue

Our Innovative Infrastructure and Support Solutions
We provide infrastructure and support solutions that bridge gaps in data access, transparency, analytics, and insights allowing specialty physician practices to engage with VBC models and risk-bearing entities, ultimately creating partnerships to successfully and efficiently navigate the evolution from fee-for-service to value.
We aim to be a best-in-class, plug and play, technology-enabled, value-based business providing innovative solutions, tools, and data necessary to relieve fee-for-service pain points, ease the transition to fee-for-performance models, address changing regulatory and quality reporting demands, and allow physicians to make more informed decisions about the care they deliver consistent with healthcare delivery evolution.
BridgepointMD, an advocate partner for physicians and patients alike...

Our Process
Align high-performing physicians to appropriate fee-for-performance contracts and models
Align performance incentives to quality improvement and cost reductions
Increase practice revenue while preserving practice culture
Simplify engagement with fee-for-performance models
Simplify engagement with fee-for-performance models

Using a technology-enabled foundation, we develop and implement infrastructure and support solutions that bridge the many gaps encountered by specialty physician practices as they enter the expedition into the ever-evolving universe of value-based care and alternate payment models.
The Company

The Problem List
Specialist physician practices are routinely - on the outside looking in - when in comes to the tools and data necessary to efficiently and effectively engage in fee-for-performance initiatives.
•Specialists have built their infrastructure around fee-for-service models
•Specialists generally lack access to transparent data and predictive analytics to succeed in fee-for performance (value-based care) models
•Specialists, and other physicians alike, need to prepare for payer-derived regulatory and quality reporting changes that will impact future practice revenue

Our Innovative Infrastructure and Support Solutions
Specialist physician practices are routinely - on the outside looking in - when in comes to the tools and data necessary to efficiently and effectively engage in fee-for-performance initiatives.
•Specialists have built their infrastructure around fee-for-service models
•Specialists generally lack access to transparent data and predictive analytics to succeed in fee-for performance (value-based care) models
•Specialists, and other physicians alike, need to prepare for payer-derived regulatory and quality reporting changes that will impact future practice revenue

Our Process
Align high-performing physicians to appropriate fee-for-performance contracts and models
Align performance incentives to quality improvement and cost reductions
Increase practice revenue while preserving practice culture
Simplify engagement with fee-for-performance models
Simplify engagement with fee-for-performance models